Month: August 2018

  • What’s Making Me Happy, Vol. 14

      It’s been a while since my last “What’s Making Me Happy Post,” and I have to be honest and say the last couple months have been a bit rough. However, it has been good to think through what I’m grateful for and acknowledge the little things that bring me happiness. The stuff listed below…

  • Literary Linking: August 13 – 24

    It’s another double dose of Literary Linking this week! I was in New York City for my birthday last weekend and didn’t get around to posting the links I’d gathered. So, here are last week’s along with this week’s batch for your reading pleasure. My favorite bookish links the week of August 13 – 24…

  • NYC: A Book Lover’s Spirit City

    I turned 35 this past weekend and celebrated with a fantastic trip to New York City. My husband and I dedicated most of the trip to eating as much pizza as possible. We succeeded on our mission! We ate at 6 different pizza places — 3 as a part of an official Scott’s Pizza Tour…

  • Literary Fun in Las Vegas

    A couple weeks ago, I wrote about turning any trip you go on into a literary one. I did just that for my recent trip to Las Vegas, so I want to share all the bookish fun I got into in Sin City. The primary reason my husband and I were there was to attend…

  • Literary Linking: July 30 – August 10

    Sorry I didn’t send out Literary Linking last week. I was in Las Vegas doing Las Vegas-y things 🙂 though I did work in some literary tourism that I’ll post about soon. So, this week’s links list is extra long because they’re from the past two weeks. Enjoy! My favorite bookish links the weeks of…

  • What I’m Reading Next: TBR August 2018

    I’m excited to take part in a new linkup with the ladies at Literary Quicksand and Allison at My Novel Life. The first Wednesday of each month, we will share all the books we hope to read for that month. Since I will not have read any of the books listed, descriptions of the stories…