Summer, my favorite season for reading, is officially here!
As an adult, I love the summer months because it gives me the time and freedom to read books I normally wouldn’t during the rest of the year. But I’ve loved summer reading since I was a kid. I would sign up for my public library’s summer reading program as soon as I could and would check out a pile of books equal to my body weight (I was kinda chunky, so it was a lot of books!).
Now that I am a librarian, pulling together summer reading guides is one of my favorite parts of the job. I know a lot of folks out there see kids today as screen-fiends, who wouldn’t ever pick up a book by choice, but I am here to tell those cynics to think again.
When I gave my students this year’s summer recommendation lists, they were genuinely excited to learn about all the amazing new books just waiting to be read. Some of them actually bought and started reading them before school let out!
I am sharing those lists with you today. If you’re a parent of a reluctant reader, I guarantee there are multiple titles that your kiddo will enjoy. And if your child is already a bookworm, get ready to buy/borrow lots of great titles.
Those of you who aren’t parents, you should download the lists too! Use them for gift ideas or give one of the books a read. You won’t be disappointed!
Young Adult (Rising 6th – 9th)
What other fabulous children’s/YA books would you recommend for summer reading? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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