I recently I read over my blog posts and noticed that I use a lot of the same turns of phrase and vocabulary. To remedy this and liven up my writing, I actively searched for new and interesting words relating to the literary world. Did I use Websters’s? Nope! Did I use www.dictionary.com? Negative! I used the most trustworthy and academic of all dictionaries: Urban Dictionary!
I scoured this venerable resource and a lot of the literary vocabulary words I found… well, to put it lightly…they’re not exactly “family friendly.” The un-obscene ones, however, I plan on inserting into my daily conversations and future writing. I hope you can use them too!
Here are 10 of my favorites with sample sentences:
A bookarazzi is a book lover who excitedly takes photos of the books they read and posts them online.
If you take a look at my Instagram, it’s pretty obvious that I’m a bookarazzi!
booket list
All the books you’d like to read before you die.
Reading The Count of Monte Cristo is high on my booket list.
When a book renders you in a state of immense sadness and melancholy.
If you’ve ever read A Little Life, Hana Yanigahara you are well versed with the feeling of book-hurt.
Someone involved with literature. Like artistic, but with literature
The way that author expresses himself is so literaturistic.
A book that is soo good to read that the only word to describe it is READ-A-LICIOUS
Life’s too short to read anything but read-a-licious books!
Reader’s Block
Related to Writer’s Block, this is when you cannot, for the life of you, pick up a book and read it. Sure, you may be able to read a paragraph or two, or maybe even a page, but you don’t retain anything of what you just read or have the attention span and/or will to go on.
Having reader’s block is one of most dreaded states of being.
reader’s remorse
When you read a series too fast and realize you’ll have to wait several years for the next part.
Take your time when reading the Harry Potter series; you don’t want to have reader’s remorse.
To go to bed to read before going to beddy-bye.
Every beddy-bye for me is readie-bye.
reader’s accent
When you pronounce words funny because you’ve never actually heard them out loud before, you just read a lot of books
Person 1: That was a great “seg-you” in the conversation
Person 2: You mean segue?
Person 1: Yeah, please excuse my reader’s accent.
A novel that is hilarious
Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan is one of the novelarious books I’ve ever read.
What literary lingo do you like to use? Share in the comments below!
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