Month: January 2018

  • Worth the Read? — Turtles All the Way Down

    Welcome to “Worth the Read?” where I give you my honest opinion on whether you should spend your precious time reading a super-hyped New York Times Bestseller. Today’s book is: Turtles All the Way Down, by John Green On New York Times Best Sellers list (Young Adult Hardcover) for 15 weeks The Hype: Just take…

  • Literary Linking: January 22 – 26

      This week’s link topics include: crafting a sentence with Diana Gabaldon, bookish hashtags, a book club for minority boys, and more! The best bookish links the week of January 22 – 26: These Kids Started a Book Club for Minority Boys. It’s the Most Popular Club in School I really hope these book clubs…

  • It’s Okay to Forget: 10 Books I Love but Remember Very Little About!

    Top Ten Tuesday is an original blog meme hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl and this week’s topic is Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About. In an ideal world, I would remember every last detail of every single book I’ve ever read. It is not an ideal world. I’ve read lots of…

  • Easy DIY Bookish Wallpaper for Your Digital Devices

    I love bookish merchandise because it shows my love of reading in a visible way, but adding to my collection of literary “stuff” can get pricey. So, I’ve tried to find inexpensive and free ways to express my book obsession. One of my favorites is using the end pages from book-themed picture books to create…

  • A Brief Hiatus for High Shelf Esteem

    This is just a quick post to let you all know that I will not be publishing any new content for the next 2 or 3 weeks. I’ve been out of work on medical leave for almost 2 months now, but will be heading back relatively soon. I need to take my remaining time off…

  • Literary Linking: January 1 – 5

    This week’s link topics include: J.K. Rowling’s pub in Scotland, exercising like your favorite author, auto-completed children’s books and more! The best bookish links the week of January 1 – 5: 2017: The Year Americans Couldn’t Say Gal Gadot (and a Lot of Other Words) Yup, I pronounced Wonder Woman’s name incorrectly all year! Auto-Completed…

  • No New Books for a Year!: The Back To My Bookshelf Challenge

    I absolutely love my personal library and I like keeping it in tip top order. However, this has become more and more difficult with the excessive number of books I’ve acquired since my amazing husband finished building the library three years ago. In an effort to do some organization and cleaning for the New Year,…

  • What’s Making Me Happy: Vol. 7

    I’ve been out of the hospital for about a month, and it has not always been easy. Thankfully, I have amazing friends and family who have kept a smile on my face this December. They are what truly make me happy. A few other small things have buoyed my spirits: Cozy Hugs Plush Animals We’re…