Month: January 2019

  • Literary Linking: January 14 – 18

    This week’s link topics include: 2019’s book-to-screen adaptations, Instagrammable bookstore cats, sharing Audible books, and more! My favorite bookish links from the weeks of January 14 – 18 : Coolest Library Cards From Around the WorldAre your library cards as cool as these??? The 20 Most Instagrammable Bookstore CatsI dare you not to smile as…

  • What I’ve Been Reading: January 2019

    Welcome to Quick Lit, where bloggers link up with Anne Bogel at Modern Mrs. Darcy and share short and sweet reviews of what we’ve been reading lately. I will be on an book awards committee starting in February, so my reading for the year will mostly be for that. With that in mind, I’m trying…

  • Literary Linking: December 31 – January 4

    This week’s link topics include: Hollywood’s inaccurate depiction of the publishing industry, Barack Obama’s favorite books of 2018, and more! How Hollywood Gets the Publishing Industry WrongThis may be true, but I love this line from the article: “Happily, once realism has been pulped like the first print run of a fraudulent memoir, the fun…