This week’s link topics include: Hollywood’s inaccurate depiction of the publishing industry, Barack Obama’s favorite books of 2018, and more!
How Hollywood Gets the Publishing Industry Wrong
This may be true, but I love this line from the article: “Happily, once realism has been pulped like the first print run of a fraudulent memoir, the fun can begin.” Fun is what it’s all about, right?
‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Becomes Highest- Grossing American in Broadway History
It’s played to a 100% full house since it opened in November! I think a trip to NYC is a must this year…
How Harry Potter Has Brought Magic To Classrooms for More Than 20 Years
Love the sixth grade teacher who sent a her students a Hogwarts letter at the beginning of the year!
Barack Obama Shares His Favorite Books, Music, and Movies from 2018
Awww, the first book on his list is Michelle’s Becoming 🙂
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