Category: Bookish Musings
8 Book-Inspired Musicals You Didn’t Know Existed
I’m off to New York City this weekend with my best friend, and one of our primary objectives is to see as many shows and musicals as possible (secondary objective: eat lots and lots of delicious food!). Another priority of mine when I visit NYC is to do as many literary things as possible (check…
A New & Improved High Shelf Esteem: Coming Soon!
Sorry for the radio silence for the last month! Librarian-ing took over during May and June, but now that I’m on summer break, I have big plans for High Shelf Esteem. I will, of course, start posting regularly again, but I’m also making a bunch of changes and enhancements. There will be a new design…
Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Cheap eBooks!
I love a good deal, especially when it comes to books. Used book sales and thrift shops are some of my favorite places to go for hard copies of books, but what about eBooks? With average prices between $9.99 – $14.99, it can be difficult to stomach paying that much without even getting the visceral…
Spring Cleaning the To-Be-Read List!
Spring is finally here, and my urge to clean and organize is in full gear! Some of my energies go towards more traditional spring-cleaning pursuits — purging my wardrobe (I don’t really need those XXL tees fired from a cannon, do I?), clearing out the mail building up on the dining room table, etc. —…
What Did DC Read in February?
Aaaand we’re back with DC Commuter Reading! Sorry for the hiatus… I don’t really have a good excuse except that I kept falling asleep on my bus. So, welcome to this month’s round-up of what commuters from the District read on public transit, plus observations of the readers themselves. Maybe it’s you… 🙂 Here’s what DC…
To Reread or Not To Reread? 10 Factors To Consider
I read recently that the United States publishes a little over 300,000 new titles a year. Even if I put only 1% of the new books published this year on my TBR list, I’d be adding 3,000+ titles to my reading plate. That’s just insanity. So, when I recently saw Goodreads’ announcement that they now…
Children’s Books Rock!: 8 Band Names Inspired by Kid Lit
I love my job as a children’s librarian. Storytime is fabulous, ordering books is tons of fun, but I have to admit that shelving is not something I particularly enjoy. Recently, to pass the time while returning books to their homes, I looked at the titles and tried to decide which would make the best…
Cruising and Perusing: Reading at Sea Is Alive and Well
Every year, at least a few news articles come out lamenting the decline of reading for pleasure in America today. In August, the National Endowment for the Arts released a report stating that in 2015, only 43 percent of adults read at least one work of literature. This is down from 57 percent in 1982….
Literary Linking: January 2 – 6
This week’s articles include yoga for book lovers, a preview of the best books to read in 2017, NYPL’s most popular checkouts last year, and more ! My favorite bookish links from the week of January 2 – 6: Yoga for Book Lovers Hot yoga is so over…this is the year of book yoga! Here…