Welcome to Quick Lit, where we share short and sweet reviews of what we’ve been reading lately.
Sorry for my lack of posting, y’all. If you know me IRL, you’re aware that I’ve had a rather unconventional past 8 days. Last Monday morning, I woke up at 3:30 with the worst headache of my life, which turned out to be a subarachnoid hemorrhage on the right side of my brain. I had a craniotomy on Tuesday which pretty much ruined my week, to put it mildly.
In any case, I wanted to at least get to the post I’d planned to publish last week as soon as I was able. (And thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, I AM able now)
So without further ado, here are some of the books I read in November:
The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How To Make Your Life Better (and Other People’s Lives Better, Too), by Gretchen Rubin
Books about personality types are my jam and the Four Tendencies was such an enlightening read. Gretchen Rubin divides people into four categories according to how they respond to expectation (both inner and outer) then provides ample information on how to improve your own life knowing your tendency, and also how to work with and communicate with others based on their tendencies. You can take her online quiz without purchasing the book, but once you find out your tendency, I bet you’ll want to read the book and learn more!
French Milk, by Lucy Knisely
I’ve been on a bit of a graphic novel kick recently, and French Milk was a quick yummy read (and I mean yummy pretty literally; the book is FULL of descriptions of delicious French food). It’s a graphic journal of Lucy Knisely’s trip to Paris with her mother during the winter break of her final year of college. It’s full of the angsty worries of college students on the verge of graduation and documents all the amazing meals she consumes. I was hungry and itching to hop on a plane to Paris after reading this one.
Kindred, by Octavia Butler
Wow, mind blown. That is all.
Warcross, by Marie Lu
Slated to be a duology, this new series is full of action, adventure and lots of fun video-game culture. I’ll be recommending this to most teens i know.
Turtles All the Way Down, by John Green
When I saw that Book of the Month was offering Turtles All the Way Down as an add-on, I couldn’t NOT order it. And when it came, I couldn’t NOT read it before the actual October pick (I got Manhattan Beach, which I still haven’t read yet). I love John Green from the bottom of my heart and his new one was emotionally wrought and incredibly educational. Until hearing his recent interviews, I had no idea that he suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder, and in Turtles All the Way Down he does an amazing job of putting the reader in the mind of a person with the condition.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
Guernsey was a delight from beginning to end! The main storyline is about a writer looking for inspiration for a new book and she finds it in a motley, humorous and incredibly endearing group of readers from the island of Guernsey. Told during the post-WWII time period through letters, Shafer and Barrows do an excellent job keeping the story cohesive and developing these lovely characters. I have plans to cook a literary feast inspired by this book once the holidays are over. Potato Peel Pie, here I come!
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