This week’s article topics include: David Sedaris’ writing process, a defense of YA, a new literary podcast, and more!
The best bookish links the week of June 26 – 30:
If These Books Could Talk: Patrons Check Out People at Human Libraries
I find the idea of a Human Library to be completely fascinating. At a Human Library event, you can “check out” a person to have conversations about their lives. What will they think of next?!?
David Sedaris Breaks Down His Writing Process
I’ve loved David Sedaris for years and I can’t wait to read his newest book, Theft by Finding, which is his diary entries from 1977 – 2002. This article gives insight into how Sedaris approaches his writing, and it makes me love him even more.
Books & Mortar: A Day in the Life of Judy Blume, Bookseller
Did you know Judy Blume is not only an author, but also an owner of a bookstore? She opened Books & Books in Key West in winter 2016, and in this interview she talks the ins and outs of being a bookstore owner. It’s not an easy job, even for her!
Why Grown-up Muggles Should Read Harry Potter
A wonderful defense of why adults should read not only Harry Potter, but YA in general.
Book Off!: A New Literary Podcast
A fun new podcast that has two authors each choose a book they love, then go head-to-head explaining why their book is better than the other. The first episode features Paula Hawkins (author of The Girl on the Train) with John Boyne (author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas).
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