Literary Linking: March 19 – 23

Literary Linking March 19 - 23

This week’s link topics include: the best books of 2018 so far, literary perfumes, what your bookshelf organization says about you, and more!

The best literary bookish the week of March 19 – 23:


The Best Books of 2018 (So Far)
Since I’m still trying to stick to my “No New Books for a Year” resolution, I haven’t read any of these, but come January 1, 2019, it looks like I’ll have a ton of great titles to dig into.

Younger’s Fictional Novel Marriage Vacation Being Made into Real Book
This book sounded great on the show. Hopefully the real one doesn’t disappoint!

What Your Bookshelf Organization Says about You
Not exactly accurate, but entertaining nonetheless (especially the spines-facing-the-wall organizational method 😄 ).

8 Literary Perfumes for Book-Lovers Who Want To Smell Good
Smelling like paper doesn’t sound too appealing, but some of the other less literal literary scents could be nice. If only computers had smell-o-vision.

What Exactly Does a Librarian Do? Everything.
And might I just add…librarians rock!

2 responses to “Literary Linking: March 19 – 23”

  1. Rachel @ Never Enough Novels Avatar

    I’m currently rewatching Younger for the second time. It’s such a guilty pleasure haha! I have high hopes for this book too!

    1. Kristen Avatar

      I think I’ll be re-watching before the book comes out, so I can make a well-informed critique 🙂

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