The best bookish links the week of May 1 – 5:
This week’s articles topics include: Little Free Library dissenters, a hip hop rendition of Llama Llama Red Pajama and more!
Math Problems for English Majors
If there’s anything that would get me to want to solve a math problem, it’s this. I think trig would have gone better for me if there were a little Lizzie Bennet thrown in!
The Case Against Little Free Libraries
I don’t really agree with the free library critics, but an interesting piece, nonetheless.
How Long Should My Book Be?
Over the past 7 years, New York Times bestsellers have dropped in length from 467 pages to 273. I am not a fan of super long books, so I’m okay with this, but a little worried that our nation is becoming too ADD for our its good.
Ludacris Rap Llama Llama Red Pajama
I might have to work Luda’s groove into my next reading of Llama Llama – it’s super catchy!
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