This week’s link topics include: decorating with books, the best ways to read over the summer, a review of David Sedaris’ new essay collection, and more!
The best bookish links the week of May 21 – 25:
So Many People Can’t Name a Single Book on ‘Jimmy Kimmel’
Geez, this is depressing… though I’m not sure it’s fair to put people on the spot like that and then taunt them. Thoughts?
What’s Going on in Your Child’s Brain When You Read Them a Story
Scientists actually got 4-year-olds to sit still in an FMRI machine to do this study, and the results are not surprising: reading picture books to kids is so so so so good for them. The science behind it is fascinating.
David Sedaris Has a New Essay Collection. It Changed Alan Cumming’s Whole Worldview
I didn’t even know David Sedaris had a new book coming out, and this review is fabulous. In odd situations, Alan Cumming has found himself asking, “What would David Sedaris do?” I think the world would be a better and funnier place if all of us ask that!
The Best Ways To Read Over the Summer
A nice list of things to consider when reading during the summer months. My favorite has got to be: “let your kids check out all books they can carry this summer.”
5 Ideas for Decorating with Books — Guilt Free
Do any of you group your books by the tint of the spine??? I didn’t know that was a thing!
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