This week’s link topics include: the popularity of Thanksgiving reading, Harry Potter desserts, best books of 2017 and more!
The best bookish links the week of November 20 – 24:
B&N Survey Finds Thanksgiving Eve “Busiest Reading Day of the Year”
The article is about mid-way down the page. I love this quote: “…just over a quarter of Americans feel that ‘bringing a book along for Thanksgiving could give them a way to get out of an uncomfortable or awkward conversation with a relative or other guest.” What did you read this Thanksgiving?
My Sammelband Has Frisker-Bite: A Short Glossary of Delightful Library Terms
Try using these scrumptious literary vocabulary words today!
How To Make 3 Harry Potter Desserts
The YouTube show Binging with Babish is awesome already, but when the food comes from Harry Potter, the show becomes a kajillion times better. The pumpkin pasties look especially delectable.
10 Books To Read If You Love Lady Bird
I haven’t seen Lady Bird yet, but it’s high on my to-watch list. The movie has a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, for Pete’s sake! The story sounds lovely, and this list of read-alikes looks great. If you’ve seen the movie, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
An Author Photo Is Worth a Thousand Words
Does an author’s photo on the jacket flap influence how you feel about him/her and his/her writing? I personally don’t feel a direct influence, but I am always glad when a photo is included. Books without an author photo seem incomplete to me.
100 Notable Books of 2017 – The New York Times
I can’t believe end-of-year book lists are coming out already! I’m a major sucker for lists, though, so I don’t mind at all. I just wish I’d read more of the 100.
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