This week’s link topics include: improving your reading retention, Matilda at 30, if Shakespeare characters could text, and more!
My favorite bookish links the week of September 17 – 21:
Improve Your Reading Retention with These 7 Tips and Tricks
Some of these are a little weird, but I’ll try anything to help me remember more of what I read.
12 New Books for Anne of Green Gables Fans
From board books to adult literary fiction, there’s more Anne for everyone to enjoy!
Matilda’s New Adventures at 30: Astrophysicist, Explorer or Bookworm
Unsurprisingly, my favorite of Quentin Blake’s new illustrations of Matilda is her at the British Library 🙂 What do you think Matilda is up to these days?
Bookstores Are Finding Creative Ways To Survive and Thrive in the Age of Amazon
If any kind of people can find smart innovative ways to be successful, it’s book people!
This Is What It’d Be Like if Shakespeare Characters Could Text in 2018
Definitely good for a giggle.
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