My favorite bookish links from the week of September 19 – 23:
The Best Cities for Book Lovers
“A data-driven approach to measuring which cities were the best for book lovers.”
Why Do Books Publish on Tuesdays?
New books almost always pub on Tuesday. But why? Of all the anonymous days of the week, Tuesday is the most anonymous. It’s not the beginning of a long, dreary week, nor is it the end. It’s not yet hump day, seldom payday, rarely a holiday … Still, books have pubbed on Tuesdays.”
Grammar Nerds Can Now Correct People’s iOS Messages
“If you’re someone who hates misused apostrophes in text messages, someone has made an iPhone app for you: Grammar Snob lets you overlay corrections on top of people’s texts and send them back.”
Fictitious Dishes: Elegant and Imaginative Photographs of Meals from Famous Literature
“Food and literature have a long and arduous relationship … But nowhere does that relationship come alive more vividly and enchantingly than in Fictitious Dishes: An Album of Literature’s Most Memorable Meals.”
Brainy and Brave: A Salute to Hermione Granger
“There can only ever be one Hermione, but these other brainy, brave heroines from young-adult and middle-grade fiction remind us of her in some important ways.”
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