Literary Linking: November 19 – 23
This week’s link topics include: nostalgia for the Scholastic book fair, Michelle Obama’s bestseller, a long overdue book sale, and more! My favorite bookish links the week of November 19 – 23: The Fleeting Magic of Scholastic Book Fairs Book-fair week was my favorite week of the year in elementary school. I think I spent…
An Exciting Announcement & How I Learned To Embrace My DNF Pile
I mentioned a while back that I had a few projects brewing. One of them was applying to be a contributor for Book Riot. I’m very excited to announce that I’ve been accepted and will be writing for the site regularly! I will still write here at High Shelf Esteem, but posts might be a little…
Literary Linking: November 12 – 16
This week’s link topics include: politically progressive kids’ stories, the National Book Awards, competitive book sorters, and more! My favorite bookish links the week of November 12 – 16: The Radicalization of Bedtime Stories If your kiddos are going to wake you up in the middle of the night, you might as well make them…
Literary Linking: November 5 – 9
This week’s link topics include: ‘Up lit’ books to improve your mood, who you should ask when you don’t know what to read next, and more! My favorite bookish links the week of November 5 – 9: Trend Alert: Popular ‘Up-Lit’ Books To Improve Your Mood Books that make you feel better about this crazy…
What I’m Reading Next: TBR November 2018
Welcome to the TBR Mix n’ Mingle Linkup hosted by the ladies at Literary Quicksand, Rachel @ Never Enough Novels and Allison @ My Novel Life, where we share what we’ll be reading the coming month! In my October TBR post, I predicted that Voyager, by Diana Gabaldon (Book 3 of the Outlander series) might…
Literary Linking: October 29 – November 2
This week’s link topics include: commentary on America’s reading tastes, a message from Levar Burton, beautiful picture books from 2018, and more! My favorite bookish links the week of October 29 – November 2: What’s the Best American Novel? A PBS Vote Is a Revealing Look at Our (Limited) Taste The writer is a little…