Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, a weekly meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s topic is Best Book Character Names, and I’ve narrowed it down to Best Book Characters Names for Your New Pet because choosing the perfect pet name is an arduous task (it’s so hard, I was only able to come up with 8 — sorry!)
I love pets with unique names and literary ones are especially fun because I like to think the animal takes on the personality of the character they’re named after. I also love the way it sounds when you say things like, “I can’t believe you pooped on the rug again, ___fill in the blank with a serious name____!” (e.g. I can’t believe you pooped on the rug again, Mr. Darcy!).
Below are eight of my completely subjective picks for the Best Book Character Names for Your Pet. I’ve taken the liberty of including a description of how I envision the pets with the names I’ve chosen. I hope this list is helpful the next time you bring home a new furry, scaley, or feathery friend.
WARNING: Very cheesy puns ahead! 😄
The Best Book Characters Names for Your New Pet:
This cat is fastidious about keeping his fur perfectly groomed, just as Hercule Poirot keeps his own mustache in impeccable shape in Agatha Christie’s beloved murder mysteries. Dare I say, you might want to change the spelling to “Paw-rot”?
Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew is a hound with an incredibly keen (or perhaps Keene?) sense of smell and knack for finding that pair of shoes that have been missing for ages.
With Shakespeare’s Hamlet’s penchant for monologues, this name had to go to a parrot or other talking bird. Parrot Hamlet might not get past, “To be or not to be,” but that’s all anyone remembers anyway.
This orange tabby would be the runt of his litter because smaller creatures need big names. Little Aslan would channel the power and majesty of Narnia’s lion king through each and every meow.
This goldfish is named after Moaning Myrtle, the sulky ghost in the Harry Potter series. In the books, Moaning Myrtle spends her days in the girls’ toilet on the first floor of Hogwarts, often flooding it when she’s upset. A fish with such an old-fashioned name is just amusing and, like her namesake, she might just end up flushed down the toilet…
Gandalf is an imposing Great Dane who is an excellent guard dog — no intruders shall pass!!! But he is a complete teddy-bear with other dogs at the dog park, especially if they’re small with extra furry paws.
Gatsby (or maybe Catsby?) is a dapper black tuxedo cat who was born to a stray, but managed to be found and adopted by a wealthy family. He loves to show off his cat toys to guests and has a thing for cuddling up in men’s shirts of sheer linen, thick silk, and fine flannel.
I have to include Alice (of Wonderland fame) as a favorite kitty name because it is fitting for so many felines. The Alice I have in mind is incredibly curious and has a tendency to eat and drink any weird food or beverage that’s placed in front of her. And for some reason, she gets really excited when she sees a bunny through the window to the backyard.
What book character names do you think would be good for a pet? Please share in the comments below!
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