May has been a pretty soggy month ’round my parts, but even with gray skies, it still stays light out so much later in the evening. My SAD lamp is back in the closet until autumn, which makes me happy, happy, happy! Here are few more things that are floating my boat this month:
Glory Days’ Buffalo Cauliflower
My husband and I are huge fans of buffalo wings. If they’re on a menu, nine times out of ten, we will order them. We especially enjoy the wings at Glory Days (the Gotchyou Korean-influenced ones are a favorite), but when we were there the other day, the seasonal menu had a offering that we had to try: buffalo cauliflower. Initially, I was skeptical…but they were SO delicious! They were a perfect blend of crunchy exterior and tender interior, plus the mild cauliflower flavor really let the wing sauce shine (we chose Old Bay — we’re from Maryland, what do you expect? 🙂 . I’ll try to order them as much as I can while it’s available, but I might just try making them on my own. This Bon Appetit recipe looks promising.
The Great American Read
The fact there’s a show on TV all about books makes this book nerd a very happy book nerd — I even made a display for it at my library. Meredith Vieira hosts and explores books and reading “through the lens of America’s 100 best-loved novels, as voted on by the public.” There are some great books on the list (and admittedly some that I find less-than-great) and there is ongoing voting to pick America’s number one favorite novel. I’m still not sure which one I’m going to vote for…
Cirque du Soleil: Luzia
I saw Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson show in Las Vegas in the fall and loved it, but Luzia completely blew me away in the best possible way. I could not stop smiling the entire show. The feats these performers can do with the simplest things is astounding. Who knew a soccer ball could be an entrancing showstopper??? And the music was spectacular — I’ve been listening to the album on repeat. The next stop on the the tour is Boston and then the troupe is off to Mexico. Try and see them if you can!
Dogs sticking their heads out of car windows
Not much explanation needed here. I can’t help but break into a smile when I see a dog sticking his head out the window, ears flapping, with that look of total canine contentment.
What’s been making you happy recently? Please share in the comments below!
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